Note: Tim retired from the World Bank in May, 2022 to launch Potomac Boatcraft. The background below is provided for reference. For more information contact Potomac Boatcraft or visit Tim’s profile on LinkedIn.

Timothy Herzog is a Senior Data Scientist at the World Bank, where he is working on several fronts to expand the Bank’s highly successful Open Data Initiative, and advance similar efforts in other countries. Tim is currently the data lead for the World Bank’s Sovereign ESG Data Platform, and the project lead for the Bank’s open data website, open data toolkit, and open data catalog. He has conducted research on topics such as open data for National Statistics Offices and open data platforms. He provides technical advice to many countries on open data, particularly in Africa.

Prior to joining the World Bank in 2011, Tim served as Director of Online Communications at the World Resources Institute, an environmental think tank based in Washington, DC. While at WRI he also worked as a Climate Policy Analyst on both international and U.S. domestic climate and energy policy, and specializing in emissions and energy data. Tim is also an occasional guest lecturer at Georgetown University.

Tim holds a Master’s degree in public policy from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, and a Bachelor’s degree in communications from Bethel University in Minnesota. You can find him online at or